Vein center in Hempstead discusses the diagnosis and treatment of vein diseases.

Are you wondering how a vein center in Hempstead diagnoses and treatments vein disease, spider veins, and varicose veins? At Vein Treatment Clinic, we’ve realized that most people have a terribly outdated notion of what occurs during a varicose vein treatment. Most of our patients initially believe varicose vein treatment is surgical and requires hospitalization.

However, that can’t be further from the truth. Varicose vein treatments were surgical a few decades ago. However, thanks to modern advancements in technologies and vein care, varicose vein treatments are now minimally-invasive and outpatient procedures that conclude within 30 minutes with no hospitalization or recovery times.

At Vein Treatment Clinic, Long Island, we only provide minimally invasive varicose vein treatments after carefully diagnosing the root cause of your varicose veins and spider veins. If you have any of the symptoms of vein disease, please consult our vein clinic, located just 25 minutes from Hempstead via Southern State Pkwy and NY-27A. Our vein clinic is far from the insane New York City crowd, so you don’t have to worry about encountering traffic. You’ll notice our vein clinic right beside the Southward Ho Country Club on the southern state parkway highway.

Please feel free to call our vein clinic if you have any questions. However, if you want a detailed overview of our varicose vein treatment process, please read this article. Below, we’ll give you a step-by-step overview of what you can expect from our vein center in Hempstead, Long Island.

Are you wondering what you can expect from varicose vein treatments? In this article, our vein center in Hempstead discusses the diagnosis and treatment of vein diseases.

Discussion of the painful symptoms of vein disease.

During your initial consultation at our vein center in Hempstead, our vein doctor will discuss the painful symptoms of vein disease. The vein doctor will look for signs and symptoms of vein diseases, such as spider veins, varicose veins, skin discoloration, etc. The vein doctor will also ask you to describe the symptoms of vein disease, such as frequent leg cramps, leg heaviness, leg swelling, throbbing leg veins, restless leg syndrome, etc.

The vein doctor will perform this examination to look for signs and symptoms of vein disease, a dangerous circulatory disorder in which your vein valves collapse, leading to blood accumulation in the leg veins. The initial signs and symptoms of vein disease are often benign and simple, as mentioned above. However, over time, you may suffer from painful symptoms and progressive vein diseases — advanced complications include skin disease, leg ulcers, and even deep vein thrombosis.

Duplex Ultrasound diagnosis of vein disease.

After the initial consultation, the vein doctor will use vascular imaging to determine if you really have underlying vein diseases. The vein doctor will use Duplex Ultrasound to visualize the blood flow in your veins. People with vein diseases suffer from venous reflux, i.e., your blood flows backward to accumulate in your leg veins. The vein doctor will easily identify that through vascular imaging.

Discussion of minimally invasive treatment options.

After the diagnosis of vein disease, the vein doctor will discuss your minimally invasive treatment options. If you don’t have vein disease, the vein doctor may simply recommend sclerotherapy to remove the spider veins. However, if you have vein disease, the vein doctor will recommend minimally invasive varicose vein treatments, such as radiofrequency ablation, endovenous laser ablation, or VenaSeal. The vein specialist will also discuss insurance coverage options to lower your financial burden.

Minimally invasive varicose vein treatments.

Radiofrequency ablation, endovenous laser ablation, and VenaSeal are the best minimally invasive varicose vein treatments. All of these vein treatments have the same underlying goal, carried out through different methods. The primary goal of all varicose vein treatments is to identify and destroy the diseased saphenous vein. That may seem dangerous, but it’s actually pretty simple. Once the diseased vein is removed, the accumulated blood automatically flows into healthier leg veins, restoring smooth blood circulation.

However, these varicose vein treatments achieve their goal — removing the saphenous vein — in different ways. During radiofrequency ablation, the vein doctor channels thermal energy through a catheter to collapse the diseased vein. During endovenous laser ablation, the vein doctor channels laser energy through a laser fiber to collapse the diseased vein. And during VenaSeal, the vein physician injects a vein glue into the saphenous vein to seal its walls. After the diseased vein is collapsed, it hardens into scar tissue, eventually getting absorbed by the body.

All minimally invasive varicose vein treatments have a 97% success rate, they cause minimal pain and discomfort, have a negligible risk of side effects, and they conclude within an hour with no recovery times. As such, most of the patients at our vein center in Hempstead seek vein treatment during their lunch breaks, resuming their regular work schedules immediately after the treatment.

Minimally invasive spider vein treatments.

Sclerotherapy is the best minimally invasive spider vein treatment. During the sclerotherapy procedure, the vein doctor will inject a medicine called sclerosant into your spider veins. Sclerosant fuses the spider veins’ walls, turning them into hardened scar tissues that eventually get absorbed by the body. Sclerotherapy is a cosmetic procedure that removes the visible spider veins without addressing the underlying vein disease. As such, vein doctors generally perform sclerotherapy after the primary vein treatment or don’t have underlying vein diseases.

Schedule an appointment with our vein center in Hempstead.

Vein Treatment Clinic, Long Island, is the best state-of-the-art vein center in Hempstead because we only provide the latest minimally invasive varicose vein treatments. For more information, please schedule an appointment with our vein center today.

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