Chronic venous insufficiency is the root cause of most vein problems. It’s a medical condition wherein blood flows backward and accumulates in your leg veins, eventually leading to spider veins, varicose veins, restless leg syndrome, skin discoloration, and other problems. In the worst situations, vein disease may also lead to blood clots in the leg veins (deep vein thrombosis) that can break away and travel into the lungs, inducing a potentially fatal pulmonary embolism.
How Does VenaSeal Work?
Once the catheter is lodged in place, the vein doctor injects a medical-grade adhesive that promotes fibrotic growth, sealing the diseased vein shut. The accumulated blood reroutes into healthier leg veins, and the diseased vein is eventually reabsorbed by the body. The entire procedure concludes within an hour.
VenaSeal is one of the most effective procedures. Unlike most other vein treatments, you don’t even need to wear compression stockings or bandages after the procedure. Furthermore, there’s no use of thermal energy, so there’s no risk of nerve damage or harsh side effects. If you have varicose veins and other signs of vein disease, you may be the right candidate for VenaSeal.

Am I a Good Candidate for VenaSeal?

FAQ About Venaseal
What Happens After VenaSeal?
Unlike most other vein treatments, you don’t even have to wear compression stockings or ACE bandages. Furthermore, you don’t have to worry about getting your legs wet, so you can swim and engage in activities that may cause sweating. You may notice mild firmness on your legs after the treatment because the diseased vein will be hardened, but this will gradually dissipate in a few weeks.
Do I Need Other Treatments?
The Vein Center in Long Island has state-of-the-art offices on the north shore, south shore, and the Hamptons. We have performed hundreds of minimally invasive spider vein and varicose vein treatments, including VenaSeal, without failure. We follow a comprehensive and personalized approach to vein treatments to ensure optimal results. Please schedule an appointment to regain your confidence today.
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