Meet Dr. Gulshan Sethi

Your Vein Doctor in Long Island

Dr. Gulshan Sethi is a distinguished Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon, renowned for his expertise and commitment to excellence. With over a decade of experience, he has honed his skills through extensive training at prestigious institutions and is recognized for his exceptional patient outcomes.

Introducing Dr. Gulshan Sethi

Your Board-Certified Vein Physician in Long Island

Dr. Sethi has tremendous experience in performing life and limb saving procedures, as Carotid Surgery, Aortic Surgery, and Limb Saving Surgery. He is adept at performing these complex operations, through minimally invasive Endovascular approach. He is currently affiliated with several premier hospitals on Long Island.

As a Vein and Vascular specialist, he has successfully developed a Vascular and Endovascular Program for one of the well known Vein brands in the Nation. He has performed thousands of Vein treatments, with outstanding results, and has achieved the highest level of patient outcomes and satisfaction.

He has been accoladed with several awards such as “Excellence in Clinical Education” and has been inducted in the Honor Society of “Iota Chapter of the Psi Sigma Alpha Society” for Outstanding Academic achievement.

Meet Dr. Sareh Rajaee



Vein Specialist in NYC

Are you interested in the latest, safer, minimally invasive spider vein and varicose vein treatments?

Dr. Sethi always diagnoses and treats the root cause of your vein problems, ensuring long-lasting results with a negligible risk of harsh side effects or recurrence. If you have the signs and symptoms of vein disease, please schedule a consultation with the board-certified vein physician at our vein centers in Long Island. We provide free insurance verification for all patients.

The following are your vein treatment options:

  • Radiofrequency Ablation
  • Endovenous Laser Ablation
  • VenaSeal
  • ClariVein
  • Sclerotherapy
Vein Specialist in NYC
Meet Dr. Sareh Rajaee
Meet Dr. Sareh Rajaee

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Contact Us

You can talk directly with our team members. They will answer your questions about insurance coverage and help you book an appointment at the vein center in Long Island. Please call us at (631) 305-2827


Book Online

You can visit our official website to schedule an appointment online at your nearest vein center in Long Island. We also provide free insurance verification before your appointment.


Get Directions

These are the directions to your nearest vein centers in Long Island.