Does Spider Vein and Varicose Vein Damage Require a Doctor?
If spider veins or varicose veins are damaging your self-confidence, that’s reason enough to see a vein doctor in LI for treatment. But these defective blood vessels might also signify bigger issues, like blood clots, vein disease, or impaired circulation. Spider vein and varicose vein development increases as we age. But unlike other visible signs of aging, such as wrinkles or gray hair, these aren’t always just a cosmetic nuisance. They often require treatment to prevent further proliferation and worsening symptoms. Left untreated, damaged veins can lead to a host of complications, including life-threatening DVTs. Your vein issues might be localized to a small surface vein, which only requires a quick injection, or they might stem from valve failure in deeper veins, which requires ultrasound guidance to locate. Only a vein doctor can determine the root of the issue, so book an appointment today to protect your vascular health.
What Other Symptoms Require a Vein Doctor in LI?
Patients are often surprised to learn that other persistent health issues are caused by damaged veins. Leg heaviness, cramping, fatigue, and Restless Legs Syndrome are all linked to poor circulation. If you have swelling, skin discoloration, stasis dermatitis, slow healing ulcerations, or inflamed skin, these too might be tied to unhealthy veins. Our patients frequently report feeling like a new person after treating their veins. Their energy is replenished, their sleep quality is improved, their skin is restored, and their productivity is enhanced, all by treating malfunctioning veins. Since veins are responsible for taking blood back to the heart to collect oxygen, it’s important to treat any veins that impede the process, to maximize your health. Our LI vein doctors identify the source of your varicose veins and spider veins so we can relieve the symptoms, not just the visible damage.
What Spider or Varicose Vein Treatments Do Vein Doctors Use?
Spider and varicose vein treatments vary depending on who treats your veins. Vascular surgeons historically used invasive techniques like vein stripping surgery (phlebectomy) to remove damaged veins from your body. But over the past 3 decades, vein medicine has seen tremendous advances, and most patients no longer require surgery. Our award-winning medical group uses minimally invasive techniques like Varithena, VenaSeal, and radiofrequency ablation to eliminate unhealthy veins without surgically cutting them out of your body. By locating the precise point of malfunction, we close off the faulty pathway with thermal energy, adhesives, or sclerosants, so that blood is rerouted into healthy veins, and the treated vein is harmlessly absorbed by the body. These tactics eliminate the risk, downtime, and discomfort of surgery, and produce better results.
Will You Need Surgery If You Go to a Vein Clinic?
Most patients no longer need surgery for their veins. New technology enables vein doctors to isolate the issue and treat it with tiny needles and catheters, rather than extracting the vein. Vein surgery has largely been replaced by minimally invasive techniques for the majority of vein issues. Some patients with exceptionally large or tortuous veins might still require surgery if the vein damage is too extensive, or if they have certain complications like blood clots. But even surgery is less invasive than it used to be. Don’t hesitate to visit a vein clinic for fear of surgery. Most likely, you won’t require it, and if you do, it’s a much easier process now than it was for prior generations.
Which Vein Centers in LI Are Right for Your Specific Issues?
Vein centers are not universally equipped. Some are staffed by vein doctors, while others are run by estheticians, dermatologists, or doctors who aren’t specifically trained in venous medicine. Medical vein centers staffed by doctors certified in vein medicine are the safest choice. Not only do they possess more training, but they also have access to more treatment methods, like premixed foam sclerotherapy and radiofrequency ablation, rather than just temporary surface treatments, like topical lasers. If you have varicose veins or spider veins on your legs (versus your face), it’s particularly important to choose a vein expert, since these typically mean you have underlying vein disease. Our doctors treat vein damage and vein disease in a matter of minutes with innovative tools that minimize pain, downtime, and complications.
Is a Board Certified Vein Doctor or Vascular Surgeon Best?
Your vein issues might be simple or complex, but that’s not something you can determine on your own. Visit a board certified vein doctor at an accredited medical center to get an accurate diagnosis. Board certification means the doctor has completed additional training beyond their medical degree to enhance their expertise in a specific field. Vascular problems are often more than skin deep and require a vein doctor trained in identifying the issue. Does the doctor need to be a vascular surgeon? Probably not. Surgery is typically avoidable when you visit a board certified vein doctor trained in less invasive techniques. Our Ivy League medical group knows how to identify surgical necessity and we run complex cases by our medical directors to see if surgery is avoidable.
Do You Need Insurance Verification Before Your Appointment?
Spider vein and varicose vein treatments are often covered by insurance, when you choose a medical clinic, since they can verify the medical necessity of your treatment. If a vein center doesn’t accept insurance, or doesn’t offer insurance verification before your appointment, look elsewhere. Some patients aren’t eligible for coverage for certain procedures, based on their symptoms and their specific plan. But our vein treatment clinic offers several procedures that are routinely covered, and we partner with most insurance carriers. Our insurance specialists are highly skilled at securing the best possible coverage for you, prior to your appointment, so you have total transparency about your portion of the bill. Most patients’ procedures are completely covered. Always choose a licensed medical group to keep both your costs, and your risks as low as possible. Visit our Harvard-trained vein doctors in LI today for exceptional care.